Busy schedule lately that I haven't had too much time to post. Halloween is on the rise so excitement is in the air :) Plus both boys are playing soccer again this season (both teams are undefeated so far :) yay) so we're usually out on the field 5-6 days a week. Makes for one tired mama! Once the kids go to bed, that's usually my time to do my research, catch up on some of my fav TV shows, prepare for the next day and just plain relax. But even in those last few hours of the day, I'm having a hard time staying up just from being exhausted! My mom had some surgery too recently so our household is a bit topsy-turvy lately.
But I do have an update on 'Milo! We had an IEP meeting on Friday. Not a full meeting, but just an meeting to say they were going to exit 'Milo from Speech and OT. This is something that was brought up in his last IEP, by me and 'Milo's dad. We agreed that we felt it was time. He has made a lot of progress over the last couple of years in both area. Personally I feel the sports helped a lot. So they school said they would do an assessment to be sure this was the right decision. They said he passed with flying colors in both area and felt that he did indeed had made progress. I'm glad that he will now have more academic time; after all Jr High is right around the corner! Trying to get him up to speed on his multiplication table has been tough, but he's got most of them down! I will randomly ask him throughout the day and he'll get them right 99% of the time. And spelling words... well, now that I've found a method that works for him, he no longer come home with a spelling test where he got them all wrong! He gets 100%s now, or at the most only 4 wrong. This was a huge struggle, but as I've said before, find what works and go with it! So lots of fun stuff going on and we'll continue to strive for more wins in our world with Autism.