When it all changed..
Little E. He was always such a happy
baby. Full of smiles all the time. He seemed to hit his milestone
right on mark, if not sooner. Sitting up and crawling before 6 months,
walking before his first birthday. Except for talking. At 2 he still
was not talking, just using hand gesture and making sounds. But it got to the point where we would start banging his head on
the floor and having tantrums. Inconsolable. We didn't know what to do. At his 2 year check up, his pediatrician referred us to Regional Center. She said they have programs that could help. At least we had some direction. I am so thankful that she suggested this. We did start teaching him Sign Language and this did help is tantrums and head banging. I honestly think he was just frustrated that he could not communicate with us. Couldn't say he thirsty or tell us what he wanted to drink, or that he was hungry or wanted something. Sign Language was a turning point. He was now at least able to communicate so that was a relief for all of us. By this time we were able to get an evaluation going for Regional Center and that was such a blessing. They determined that he would need Early Intervention, Speech Therapy and OT (Occupational Therapy). This was no easy task and it was a lengthy process. A series of tests and interviews, forms to fill out, question after question. But you know, when it's your child, you do it. All of it. What could be more important than your child's future. It is definitely a commitment that will shape the development of your child and is not to be taken lightly. They people they have for these services are AMAZING! I don't know how they do it. They work for you and with you. They come to your house morning, afternoon, night, weekends, whatever you need. They realize that people have work and personal commitments. They work around you and your schedule. They are overloaded with work due to a shortage of specialist in their fields. But they get it done without complaint. I can't imagine what it is like now that Autism is one the rise. It is incredible the work that are expected to do and get done. And this has only just begun...
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