I'm determined have a good day or even a so/so day, because I don't feel like I ever have a "bad" day; not to say there aren't bad moments in the day, but I won't let those moments rule the day! That might sound very "turn that frown upside down", but my emotions are on overload as it is without some episode ruining the whole day :) I must say though this morning was tough and I was just about in tears. Scolding your kid first thing in the morning is pain-staking, gut-wrenching, and heart-breaking. But time was running out and we had to get moving, even if it meant literally dragging 'Milo out of bed and guiding him through the hall to the restroom and then into the den to get dressed. All the while he's yelling and crying and begging to go back to bed. And trust me, I'm not waiting till the last minuted to get him up; I am in there by 6:15, starting to talk to him, gently nudging, persuading him to start getting up, even though school doesn't start till 8. But time goes quickly in the morning and I have to get me and them ready, and if they aren't dressed by 7 it throws off everything. But even after all that, and once we got to the den to get dressed he had calmed down enough to dress and start the day. It's like a switch is flipped. Like nothing happened. All of a sudden, calm.
No one said it was gonna be easy.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Make the Apps work for you!
Earlier this year at work, we all got mini iPad as an appreciation to all the employees. Exciting 'cause I always wanted an iPad but just couldn't justify spending the money for something like that. So a FREE one was so appreciated. The boys of course were so excited because every stinkin' commercial on the kid channels promote App for iPads! "Mom can you download this app?", but all the apps are games. And of course those angry birds! But they love it and even through it's OUR iPad, they don't spend a ton of time on it and if I'm going to be downloading apps I'm going to get some that are fun, useful, and use as motivation!
I found this Jurassic app that is great for motivating 'Milo, especially in the morning! Once he's up and dressed he can check on his Dinos (one of his favorite things!) He collects money from them, feeds, them, uncovers new amber for new dinos, and keeps them safe from the storm. This is a good one for his hand/eye coordination and his motor skills. He has to keep all the dinos in their cages for a 2min time limit and if he doesn't hit all the red dots before time runs out, the dinos escape. But the longer you take, the more money
you get so you have to get it just in time. It's a good little reward system. I'd much rather reward for good behavior whenever possible.
you get so you have to get it just in time. It's a good little reward system. I'd much rather reward for good behavior whenever possible.
Monday, September 2, 2013
One of those days...that lasted all weekend.
Pretty difficult day today. The 100+ temps and humidity didn't leave much for us to do, on top of my mom just having surgery on Friday, we've been pretty much cooped up most of the weekend. Today I decided going to the movies was in order. I've been so busy this weekend, that it just occurred to me a few hours ago that it's already Monday. 'Milo was extremely goofy at the movies, much like he's been all weekend.
So hyperactive. It finally wore me down this morning and I just broke
down in tears. But who couldn't use a good cry now and then. Even now as I write this, he's been up out of his bed three times. He gets very excitable; screaming and shouting, laughing, jumping, banging the furniture. It's very exhausting because when he gets like this he does not listen, it's like he's not even hearing me. I don't know what triggers him to be overstimulated this way. I don't ever want to get to the point of medication. If I can figure out the triggers, then I can hopefully defuse these episodes. My cousin gave me some herbal soothing tea that helps her son, who is severely Autistic. I was able to sneak in a bit in his juice at dinner time and he didn't seem to notice. I think I'll try some more tomorrow for him and increase the tea a bit. We'll see how it goes. He finally feel asleep, so at lease for now, the house is quiet.
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