Monday, September 2, 2013

One of those days...that lasted all weekend.

Pretty difficult day today.  The 100+ temps and humidity didn't leave much for us to do, on top of my mom just having surgery on Friday, we've been pretty much cooped up most of the weekend.  Today I decided going to the movies was in order.   I've been so busy this weekend, that it just occurred to me a few hours ago that it's already Monday.  'Milo was extremely goofy at the movies, much like he's been all weekend.  So hyperactive.  It finally wore me down this morning and I just broke down in tears.  But who couldn't use a good cry now and then.  Even now as I write this, he's been up out of his bed three times.  He gets very excitable; screaming and shouting, laughing, jumping, banging the furniture.  It's very exhausting because when he gets like this he does not listen, it's like he's not even hearing me.  I don't know what triggers him to be overstimulated this way.  I don't ever want to get to the point of medication.  If I can figure out the triggers, then I can hopefully defuse these episodes.  My cousin gave me some herbal soothing tea that helps her son, who is severely Autistic.  I was able to sneak in a bit in his juice at dinner time and he didn't seem to notice.  I think I'll try some more tomorrow for him and increase the tea a bit.  We'll see how it goes.  He finally feel asleep, so at lease for now, the house is quiet.  

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