I came across this on my computer and I thought I'd share because this
melted my heart then and still does. I have this posted at my desk at work and I see it everyday.
Before I had my boys, about 12 years ago or so, I was diagnosed with Lymphoma and treated with chemo for 7 months. Every year the Leukemia/Lymphoma society holds a fundraiser called Light the Night. This is a cause that has been close to my heart since being treated and recovered. I have taken the boys almost every year since they were little. Everyone is given balloons; red for caregivers/supports, white for survivors, and gold in memory of someone who passed. These balloons light the night. It is a beautiful event.
In Nov 2012, when 'Milo was in 3rd grade, we went to this event like we had in the past. At the time 'Milo's teacher had a daily assignment in the class where they would write in a daily journal. These writings were sent home every couple of weeks...and that's when I saw it. This beautifully drawn, beautifully written recollection of the Light the Night event we had attended. I was so moved because before then I never really knew how much he realized what is going on around
him or if it impacts him enough to remember something, beside cartoons
or a video game.
But this time I knew.
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