Thursday, July 11, 2013

Bed Time Blues

E started to get upset when it was time. Had to repeat several time to brush teeth and go to bed and even had to raise my voice, but kept myself calm. Held my hand out to help him off the floor. We walked down the hall all the while he complained, pinched me, yelled at me, but I stayed calm and quiet. Wouldn't brush his teeth so I did it for him, not saying a word. Walked him to his room and tucked him in. And then at the end, still in a whiny voice, he said, I'm sad. I said, why are you sad son? And he said, because I'm so sorry. Well that just melts my heart! I said, that's ok we all have a bad day sometimes, thank you for being sorry. This means the world to me as he's starting to recognize his actions AND more importantly his emotions. These realizations really defused what could have been a long night for us. I'm grateful everyday that progress is possible!

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